1. Whenever Ryan Upchurch is cruising around in his mustang, the only music he plays is old music styles like George Jones, Johnny Cash, Elvis, he said " I don't know why. It's just Mustang music."
2. Many of Ryan upchurch's most recent fan base was surprised he was a fan and collects pokemon cards. Truth is he has been collecting for many many years and has some of the rarest of them. Ryan also has mentioned pokemon as far back as 3 or 4 years. Even has mentioned them in some of his songs.
3. In February 2017 Ryan gave fans a glimpse at his ability to sing a country style instead of just rapping. "Where it all went down." Credited to Ryan Upchurch, the song later appeared on a six-song EP of his vocals stylings, Summer Love, released in May 2017.
4. With the rapid increase of fan base, many don't know that comedy videos made for him and his buddies’ entertainment was what kicked off the beginning of his following. In 2014, His first videos were "Upchurch Talks”. Through those videos, Upchurch The Redneck was born, which is an alter ego that exaggerates his southern roots in a comical and light hearted way.
5. There are many misconceptions when it comes to what does RHEC (raise hell eat cornbread) mean. Some automatically think this means be rowdy breaking stuff and you have to eat and love cornbread.
So what does it really mean? Let's go to the man himself. What does “RHEC” mean?
RHEC: abbreviation for “Raise Hell & Eat Cornbread".
Meaning: it means as we go through life life brings numerous obstacles, causing us as people to get “dings & dents” as a car would, but no matter how many dings and dents you as a human may acquire over time, if that engine is still running & you still got gas in the tank, we should still go for those miles to be driven until the destination (goal) is reached or the engine blows up.. it’s okay to get “RHEC’d” as long as we’re still able to keep pushing with our “dings & dents” 🤘🏼💯 -Upchurch-

6. Ryan Upchurch loves treasure hunting with metal detectors on his properties looking for neat things of the past. Despite what most people think Upchurch does with his time away from the videos and music. He is very family oriented and spends time enjoying them.
7. Ryan is a very generous person, he went through a Macdonald's drive thru for a happy meal for his little girl and gave $500.00 to everyone working at that time. To let them know they are appreciated. Just the other day Ryan bought a homeless man with a dog a van filled with supplies and even dog food for the man down on his luck he kept seeing. After it was posted what he had done. Ryan noticed some people were attacking the homeless man's character saying things like he is nothing but a junkie drug addict. Some said he should have bought him a house if he is homeless. After Upchurch had seen all this, He fired back to all those very negative people. He even asked the question. "Do you think attacking and talking hateful about him is going to help him get off drugs?" No...It's gonna make him want to do more drugs! Cause he feels so bad about himself. Buying him a home he couldn't afford wouldn't be logical. Instead he gave him a starting chance at change.
8. Upchurch just purchased Kane Brown's pickup that he saw for sale while driving. He said the first thing he has to do is put a sticker on the back that says "Wanna get lost in the woods?" Which is a friendy jab a Kane Brown when recently got lost exploring the wilderness of a recently purchased home.
9. Ryan is always giving his fans pep talks and heartfelt words of encouragement 24 year old me drunk at a bonfire not knowing what the future held... never give up on yourself. Never stop chasing the dream.. and never give up.. your success is out there. You just gotta stumble upon it and ride that thang like you’ll never ride again. I know there are times when you want to give it up and lay down. But that’s the most important time to stand up and fight for your happiness and for what you want in life. And to who ever out there that needs to hear this... if you woke up this morning, then it ain’t over for you. You got this dude 🤘🏼💯⛪️

10. What does Blue flame mean from Ryan's song? Ryan always give his meaning behind his lyrics. Which makes references of his heritage and country values. He has done podcasts going in depth and behind the lyrics.
11. Ryan enjoys watching the people around him especially if he can do it without being noticed. He is a people watcher, a relaxed person you can learn l many things about them.
This is the kinda memories I’m making with music, last night I sat in the dark about 10ft away from a lot of people and they had no idea I was there. Just watching what they was talking about, what they was doing with there buddies, watching all the youngins have a good time, then I crawled under a semi truck that was side stage and got stoned to the bone and watch Aaron Lewis sing his songs.. these are the times I won’t forget and will always cherish. And I hope y’all get the same out of my music when you show up to a show 🙏🏼🇺🇸🌾 now it’s time for my ass to get ready for the stage tonight. Love y’all 🤘🏼 #GodBlessAmerica

12. In 2018, at venue in Harrison, Ohio, the opening acts were not allowed to set their merch tables up near Ryan because of little space for the planned Meet and Greet. Ryan, being the nice guy he is, decided to ask Big Po for one of his merch shirts. He took his own shirt off and took pictures with every meet and greet ticket holder in a Big Po shirt. That showed true camaraderie among him and other artists.
- Brandon Snyder
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