Anthony Beastmode has been around for years. He has independently made his name known. Despite making money at the start or banging out features, he started making money in January 2020, as he told me in a short interview I was able to catch him on. Anthony has put out more music in 2019 and 2020 than you might know. He has made hit after hit. He hasn't let the past years of struggle get him down.

After his semi-public divorce, his first song and video he dropped after was "Am I Livin", honestly a personal favorite of mine, was created and he was back with a vengeance. The videos he has then produced like, "Angels", "To Lit" "Bang", and "My Sanity" are most definitely worth listening to.
Anthony is a very personal yet vocal musician. He displays his fatherly side with pictures of his daughter and how he spoils her to death. It's refreshing to see a man's man be so cute and sweet with their child. The women that flock to this blue-eyed beauty remain fans and have helped him grow hundreds of thousands of fans. He has embraced his good looks and mature nature that attracts more than just a few.
The hit song "On Me" was most definitely the song that brought him back, it sits on YouTube with 6 million views! He has been reaching goals and putting out content for his supporters. His most recent video "Redneck Romeo" was released 3 weeks ago and it's gaining traction.
Let's visit some videos he released in 2020-2021
Anthony also released 2020 Takeover the album that has brought him much success even with Covid trying to break us. In our interview, I asked Anthony if he was going to be doing any features this year as he doesn't have any. He told me that he probably wouldn't have any. He has definitely made it without them.
He has a really big Rebel Family Facebook page following. He keeps his supporters updated with what he is doing. He also goes live a lot, giving his outlook on world news and he doesn't hold back. He isn't sorry for how he was raised and how he makes music. Anthony has been getting back into doing live shows with the help of his promoter Aztec D. You can also find him on Facebook @ Duane Anthony Gamez Jr.
2021 will be a year to watch the massive growth he is going to achieve. This independent artist is one with more knowledge about the industry than anyone knows, and this is why he is so self-sufficient and now very successful.
The recent apologies that some mainstream artists have given, lead to a video uploaded by Anthony. Check it out here you can also check out his thoughts on the Coca-Cola nonsense here too.