What was supposed to be a gathering of great music and celebration for the New Year was cut short when the drummer for Keith “Big Po” Powell was involved in a single vehicle accident during his 10-hour commute to Louisiana.
The drummer was headed south to Big Po’s house for a gathering of musicians, family and friends to ring in the New Year together while getting ready for their upcoming shows in 2021.
With the rain and weather rolling in, the gathering moved from outside to inside, Big Po was keeping in touch with his drummer while he was on the road. When Big Po realized too much time had passed since he was last in touch with his drummer, or he should have already arrived, he began to worry.
Big Po’s drummer was near El Dorado, Arkansas when he was navigating a curve in the road, hit a puddle from the rainfall, hydroplaned and then his S10 pickup truck went airborne and hit the ground. When his vehicle finally came back down and impacted the roadway, it made about a two-foot indentation in the ground. When the S10 finally came back to the ground, it just barely missed an Oak tree and then ended up in a barn on personal property.
The drummer did not want to leave his equipment, tools, and belongings to try and seek help. Once Big Po was able to reach him and find out where he was, that is when the connection and bond in the Pofolks community lent a hand.

Big Po reached out to Pofolk, Michael Cotton Simmons who Big Po grew up with, and lived near the area of the accident. He asked Simmons if he could go and pick-up his drummer and his belongings and see that they received some assistance.
“I will help anyone out anytime,” Simmons said. “That is just the way I was raised. So, when Po reached out to me I was glad to help out.”
Simmons said when he arrived the drummer was nervous, and also appeared to be in a lot of pain. He told the drummer who he was and then they started to assist the tow truck driver in getting the vehicle out of the mud.
The property owners were at the scene and they were very accommodating. The tow truck driver even assisted in unloading the drummers’ belongings out of the totaled vehicle and into Simmons. Simmons then took the drummer and his belongings the rest of the way to Big Po’s home.
“He seemed like a really nice guy,” Simmons said. “I am glad I was able to help him and now I have a new friend.”
Big Po said after he was in touch with his drummer and was awaiting his arrival, he struggled trying to get into the celebration and music gathering to ring in the New Year. Big Po was more concerned if his drummer was alright.
“When he got here, I got him into bed, “Big Po said. “Then I watched over him from a chair next to the bed through the night. I was keeping an eye on him. I kept making sure he was breathing through the night.”

The drummer’s girlfriend secured an airplane ticket for him to return to his home on Friday to be near family and to seek further medical attention* for his injuries.
Big Po said his drummer had visible injuries to his right eye, which was closed completely shut, his entire face was puffy, and he had difficulty moving and walking around easily. He was in visible pain when he was moving around Big Po said.
“When I saw him for the first time, I was in shock,” Big Po said. “The condition he was in, he was tired, beaten up inside knowing he lost his vehicle. He was also more concerned about burdening me or anyone else, but we were going to do what we needed to do for him. What he lost was just material things and the main thing was he was alive.”
Big Po said he and the Pofolks community did whatever they had to do. He feels lucky to have such good people in the community that represents people taking care of people in need.
“He seemed like a really nice guy,” Simmons said. “I am glad I was able to help him and now I have a new friend.”
The drummer has returned to his home in Kentucky and the entire country rap community wishes him a speedy recovery and sends our prayers.
He suffered some facial fractures and is home healing.
- Jennie Chevalier
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